13 June 2011

Promises Kept - the SQL Quiz Cometh!

Well, for the last couple of months, we promised that when PL/SQL Challenge v2 arrived, we would start up SQL quizzes, APEX quizzes, all sorts of great stuff.

And we will. Really. It's just that we've been kind of busy "burning in" all the new features and especially backend management utilities.

But enough. It's time to start keeping those promises.

So I am pleased to announce that the weekly SQL quiz will start this Saturday, 18 June.

Weekly quizzes start on Saturday and end on Friday at midnight (UTC time of course).

Please spread the word to all the Oracle technologists in your life who do not give a hoot about PL/SQL. Surely, they'd like to demonstrate their expertise in SQL (or learn some great new tricks)!

And as I have said previously: I am not competent to write SQL quizzes, except the most basic sort. So I strongly encourage you to submit your quiz ideas.

Finally, of course some of you are also wondering about that weekly APEX quiz. We should have an announcement about that within the next few days. Seriously. :-)

Cheers, Steven Feuerstein

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